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Author Archives: Ariesphysiocare

Nopal Cactus Juice And Rheumatoid Arthritis – Can This Really Help Relieve Pain For You?

Something that many people need to know about is nopal cactus juice and Rheumatoid. If you suffer from arthritis pain, then you have to be aware of the ways that this juice really will be able to help relieve your pain.

The cactus juice comes from the nopal cactus, which is also referred to as Opuntia ficus-indica and is also known as the prickly pear. This cactus is located in the Sonoran Desert of Mexico and in the southwestern US.

How to Know Whether You Need a Hip Surgery or Not?

A diseased hip can make anyone’s life pathetic. Even if your doctor suggests for the replacement of the hip, you need to carefully examine whether it would be boon or bane before taking this major decision of hip replacement. Pain in hip joints or arthritis has developed as an unavoidable part of the ageing process, while some people get such problems from accidents, injuries in sports or from other disorders. And many times doesn’t matter what precautions were taken to avoid joints damage, surgery becomes an inevitable solution.

The Future of Drugs For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Despite the actual patient frustrations with rheumatoid arthritis, one of the most frustrating things about the condition is that there is no known absolute cure for it – yet. Scientists and doctors are still researching today to try and understand what causes the joint pain and inflammation and what can be done to treat and cure it. In the meantime though, those who are affected by it have to manage their condition with drugs.

About Common Foods That Can Cause Inflammation And Joint Pain

There are hundreds of possible contributing factors to inflammation and joint pain. Normally, people tend to focus primarily on age, strenuous exercise or work related issues as the cause. But clinical findings have revealed that there are as many different types of foods that can cause joint pain. Joint pain makes living really tough. Anyone who suffers of it knows that it is almost impossible for someone to do his daily chores comfortably.

Goji Berries Help Provide Relief For Arthritis Sufferers

Tibetan Goji berries have been around for many years. They have become known for having the most nutrients, of any fruit in the world. With their abundance of antioxidants, the health benefits of Goji berries seem endless. From preventing heart disease and diabetes, to improving your skin, Goji berries also help provide relief to arthritis sufferers.