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Author Archives: Ariesphysiocare

10 Things Physio’s Wish You Would And Would Not Do

Physiotherapists are kind and caring people who really help patients getting better. Physiotherapy we have put together a list of our top 10 things we would really love you to know that will help you get better much quicker or prevent injuries occurring in the first place.

Arthritis – Yes It Can Be Cured

There are over 100 types of arthritis. It is a disease that limits everyday movements such as walking, standing or holding onto a key and trying to open a door. The effects of arthritis range from slight pain, stiffness, and joint swelling, to crippling discomfort.

Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis. An estimated 20.7 million Americans are affected by this disease.

Doctor – I Have Symptoms of Pain and Swelling in My Hands and Feet – What Could It Be?

While there are multiple causes of swelling and pain in the hands and feet, arthritis is probably the most common cause.

The term “arthritis” is derived from the Greek and means “joint inflammation”. It refers to more than 100 different diseases that can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. Joints are where the ends of long bones connect and interact. The end of each bone inside a joint has a thin layer of cartilage and is held in place by ligaments, tendons, and muscles. A joint is lined with synovial tissue (synovium) that helps to nourish the joint. It is the synovium that often becomes inflamed in arthritis.

Unravel the Mystery of Shoulder Pain

The function of the shoulder joint is to provide mobility to the shoulder and it is one of the parts of the body which is heavily used every single day. Many people suffer from shoulder pain. Many different reasons can result in shoulder pain and it is important to know the exact orthopaedic reason and only then can the correct diagnosis and treatment be made. Shoulder pain can suddenly happen and many people are unsure of it. Let’s try to unravel the mystery of shoulder pain today.

Joint Pain – Help Yourself Prevent It

Joint pain affects hundreds of thousands of people in our country, causing everything from minor twinges and inconvenience to total, crippling disability. The causes vary between individuals, as do treatments, but one thing all sufferers share in common is that they would all feel more comfortable and mobile without it. The major causes of joint pain in our society are osteoarthritis, inflammatory types of arthritis such as rheumatoid or gout, and physical joint injury (which, in the long term often leads to arthritis in the affected joint).