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Pain in Your Shoulder? Discover the Best Solution Now

Shoulder Pain can ruin your life. I should know, I suffered from a shoulder injury a while ago and was out of action for weeks before I managed to stop the pain.

I hurt my shoulder in the gym, and ended up with a sharp, stinging pain in the front of my shoulder, and a dull aching pain in the rear. Plus I couldn’t do all the things that we all normally do during the day – carrying shopping, wearing a backpack, reaching high shelves… even shaking hands was difficult!

Runners Knee Explained

I can tell you all about runner knee as it is a condition that I experienced myself. I had this condition when I ran the Bristol half marathon a couple of years ago and is extremely painful and will stop you from running all together if not treated properly, believe me I know!

Physiotherapy Explained

Physiotherapy, otherwise known as physical therapy, is a kind of therapy used to improve the physical condition of the human body. It normally includes a number of exercises or massages with the help of some equipment and physical media. It helps the patients in providing maximum mobility and reduces pain as much as possible.

Physiotherapy Can Keep You Youthful

Believe it or not, aging is reversible with physiotherapy. We do not say that you can escape all the effects of the passage of time, but you can slow the aging process by keeping your body youthful. Physical therapy helps people stay fit throughout their lives.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Stroke Rehabilitation Case: Philip came to see us two years after he had a stroke. He had lost all mobility on his right side and lost the use of his speech. Philip needed to use an electric wheelchair to get around the house and a pushchair for going out. Prior to joining our intensive stroke program his wife and sole carer had just passed away. The options his family faced were to move him to a nursing home or try and improve his independence enough to keep him at home safely.