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Category Archives: LifeStyle

Type 2 Diabetes – Is Bitter Melon Helpful at Lowering Blood Sugar?

When dealing with Type 2 diabetes, diet and exercise are the two most important areas you will need to focus on in your journey to lower your blood sugar. A lot of changes will have to be made in your lifestyle, especially with regards to what you eat. One of the options you may come across when looking for diabetes helpful foods is bitter melon. It is not only known for its distinctive flavor and appearance, but it may also have a positive effect on your health.

Living a Healthy Life – The 5 Ingredients to a Healthy Lifestyle

If you are like millions of other people in the world, you probably want to live a healthy lifestyle. While many people are able to achieve this lifestyle, there are even more that are looking for ways to improve their health. Here are 5 ingredients to help you put together a healthy lifestyle.